Yair Ariel • April-4-2017
Early Learning Centers can now promote interactive, educational fun with Go Fishing – the first in a series of new BEAM interactive floor games that the company will release in the near future centered around interactive academic learning.

Go fishing a fun way to learn colors and shapes at early learning centers
The Israeli-based tech company EyeClick has completed development of Go Fishing, the first in a series of academically-focused games that will be designed exclusively for educational learning centers. The new series of educational games—beginning with Go Fishing—will be built for the company’s flagship interactive gaming platform, BEAM.
“The potential of BEAM to become an educational platform was built in from the start,” said Ariel Almos, CEO and founder of EyeClick. “The interactive nature of BEAM allows early educators a chance to teach in a virtual environment that’s both fun and exciting for children.”
Go Fishing will teach children the basics of colors and shapes. Children will help Vicky the fox, an avatar in a fishing boat, using their feet to hit the correct color or shape of fish swimming beneath the water. Successful answers will earn children points as well as praise from the Vicky aboard the boat.
The game is scheduled for release on Friday April 28th, 2017. Subscribers to BEAM will have immediate access to it from day one. New games in the BEAM educational series will be available as they’re released.
“We’ve seen a ton of interest from early learning centers for more academically-minded games,” said Almos. “They love how interactive BEAM is, love the physical nature of it, and can’t wait to get their hands on new games that are tied to academic objectives such as learning colors, numbers and shapes. And we think Go Fishing will be a huge hit among these educators.”
About BEAM
BEAM interactive projector game system, a technology developed by EyeClick, is an award-winning gaming solution with the ability to transform any space into a highly-immersive and engaging play area for children. BEAM uses cutting-edge projection technology that mounts to a ceiling, creating an interactive play space on any surface below. You can find BEAM in use at day cares, camps, education facilities, healthcare clinics and many other environments across the globe.
For more information about how BEAM increases customer loyalty and engagement, please visit joinbeam.com.
Please contact Paul Zonis at 914.219.0279 for more information about BEAM, EyeClick, and this press release.